June 28th, 2012

iTookOff Online is ready to start allowing users to beta test the application. If you create an account, please
let us know of any features you are interested in seeing.
Please keep in mind that this is a
beta test. We will make every effort to make sure your data stays as consistent as possible but it is basically a test and things can break! Your forgiveness, patience, comments, and acceptance of our terms of use are immensely appreciated!
Some features that will definitely be in place at some point in the near future include the ability to export your data to iTookOff Online from your iOS device, printable reports online, and a mobile device compatible web view so you can finally have iTookOff on non-iOS devices.
Time accrues shortly after midnight Eastern time. If you receive new time, you will get an update email. Make sure our support email address is in your address book!
Thanks for your interest, we hope you like the app!